Prolong the Life Span of Your Roof

Book our roof cleaning services in Bettendorf, IA, Quad Cities

Is your roof covered in grime? Instead of attempting to clean it yourself, let a professional lend you a helping hand. Midwest ProWash offers roof cleaning services around Bettendorf, IA and the Quad Cities. No matter what type of roof you own, we'll give it the cleaning it deserves. By the time we're done, your roof will be sparkling and shining.

We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Call 309-335-1875 today to schedule our soft washing services.

4 signs your roof needs to be cleaned

You most likely don't look at your roof every day. That's why it can be difficult to know if you need roof cleaning services. But not to worry - we're here to share the warning signs. A few indicators you need to clean your roof include:

  • Moss or mildew growth

  • Shifting roof shingles

  • Clogged gutters

  • Black streaks

We offer discounts on our soft washing services for military personnel. You can find out more by reaching out to us now.